Injured Howler Gives Birth – Warning Graphic Images

Baby news! On Jan 8th at 7am we welcomed a new arrival at Refuge for Wildlife, a newborn howler monkey baby!

Mama after being stitched up. Her face is swollen, her nasal passage is exposed and her wounds are infected.

We rescued an adult female about a month ago after she was attacked by an alpha male. Her face was essentially ripped off, her nasal cavities crushed and exposed, and her wounds were badly infected and inflamed so much that she couldn’t see.

There has been an increase in alpha male attacks (we have 2 other monkeys with similarly horrific injuries right now) because of new homes being built and more and more trees being cut down. The monkeys are running out of food, resources and territory and are now starting to fight more than usual. Alpha male howlers attack the face and eyes and try to blind their rivals, this female was pregnant at the time of the attack.

Mama a week after she started treatment at Refuge for Wildlife. Her infection is gone, her eye sight is restored and her exposed nasal cavity is starting to heal.

Mama a week after she started treatment at Refuge for Wildlife. Her infection is gone, her eye sight is restored and her exposed nasal cavity is starting to heal.

We recently received a donation of an ultrasound machine and it couldn’t have come at a better time. This monkey was showing signs of pregnancy and we needed to find out if she was expecting and if the baby has OK. One of our volunteers who is trained to use an ultrasound performed the test and discovered that she was indeed pregnant and that the baby was alive and well!

Mama needed extensive medical care to recover from her horrific injuries. Her face was repaired using staples, is currently receiving antibiotics, and we’re pleased that she has now safely delivered her baby.

Mamá and her newborn. She is a very caring mother.

Mama still has a long way to go before she’s fully healed, but everyone at the Refuge is thrilled that the baby was unharmed and came into the world healthy and strong. If the mother did not receive the help she did from us, she would have died from infection and the baby would not have been born.

One week later and Mama and Baby are doing great! Mama is climbing and moving around the nursery with her newborn clinging to her stomach. Mama is the only adult in the Refuge nursery, but she doesn’t seem to mind all the orphaned baby howlers. The nursery is the perfect place for her to rehabilitate because it is safe for her baby. Mama is eating lots of fresh leaves and mango and her baby is nursing well. Both are very calm and enjoying lots of snuggle time.

Mama's injuries continue to improve and her baby is now one week old.

Mama’s injuries continue to improve and her baby is now one week old.

Snuggling with mama.

Snuggling with mama.

Baby is now one week old.

Baby is now one week old.